Mobile Field Work Force Management Journey and Job Management

Work Order Automation

Our core focus is to create the highest level of:

  • Responsive communication between people and systems
  • A core focus on accelerated safety performance
  • Delivering the benchmark in quality products and services using existing Hardware and Artificial Intelligence
  • Constantly sharing knowledge for continuous improvement
  • Delivering innovative technology that streamlines the entire journey management
  • Process including the highest level of lone, isolated and high risk worker Safety/Security Monitoring. Our solution is disrupting the way industries manage their workforce, particularly within the resources, construction, health and education sectors.

GPS Geo Guard Mobile Field Work Force Management (MFWFM) has application for any organisation that has a mobile lone, isolated, remote or high risk workforce, both on site and off site.

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Enhance customer service increase job capacity and profit with job management, job dispatch, job scheduling and prioritization, job invoicing and quotes, invoicing and accounts integration, replace log books for Fringe Benefits Tax and overall staff.

Mobile Field Work Force Management (MFWFM) takes a completely new look at using an online portal to assist the safety and productivity of lone workers.

A secure online management tool, MWMP can be utilized to deliver a range of business benefits through varying functions. The platform helps every worker safety manager to improve business productivity while also providing a comprehensive lone worker security solution with the GPS Geo Guard device.

Business Benefits of MWMP

  • Ability to locate staff
  • Better time-management
  • Ability to measure and improve efficiencies
  • Improved communication with mobile staff
  • Improved reporting mechanisms

Every business is different, and therefore has different and diverse needs operationally. MWMP allows operations to be managed effectively while reducing a variety of business risks.

Platform Features

  • Accurate location data and historic reporting
  • See a ‘breadcrumb trail’ of a user’s movement
  • View a user’s location in satellite, terrain or ‘Street View’ mode
  • Access information on how fast a user is traveling
  • Create geo-fences around a variety of locations and receive updates through a range of definable alerts
  • Create custom reports
  • Coordinate groups of workers with any number of permission levels as suited for your organization
  • Send text messages to staff groups quickly and efficiently
  • Re-deploy resources based on who is closest to a location
  • The platform is provided through a Google Maps style interface
  • Journey management

We are specialists in Journey Management with 100% safety and security monitoring for your mobile work force management for lone, isolated and high risk workers. We work with thousands of companies to help mitigate risk, reduce costs and increase productivity using Smart Technology and manage your mobile workforce the easy way!  Industry bench mark for fleet management systems that will increase your profits, work smarter, reduce costs and increase safety and efficiency…

100% Staff Safety – Accountability, but most important, business continuity.

Enterprise Integration Solutions

GPS Geo Guard understands that for businesses to adopt multiple safety solutions to mitigate risk and increase business continuity and efficiency in a way that aligns with their business strategy, Enterprise Architecture (EA) is an absolute necessity. Interestingly, the index shows that business value is only realised when EA maturity is “standardised”. It is only at this point that cloud computing becomes a good fit.