Lone worker Laws & Regulations

Has the ‘vibe’ in the workplace changed for the better?

In general, if your staff feel secure and safe in their work environment then they will be happier. Happy staff are more likely to contribute to the business above and beyond their paid role. A good health and safety program and the promotion of a safety culture will contribute to that feeling of security and happiness.

So, the next time you are considering a safety related expense, remember to add in all the possible production benefits as part of the equation.


Working alone carries physical risk to staff and financial risk to a business.

There are serious penalties for not protecting lone workers. GPS Geo Guard lone worker protection solution contributes towards an employers’ moral, ethical and legal duty of care, and more importantly, offers the ultimate peace of mind to the individual lone or high-risk worker and business continuity.

Workplace violence is on a massive increase. Accidents and incidents are being watched more than ever with OHS laws nad industrial man slaughter laws now being enforced, not only having implications for directors but legal ramifications for managers and safety managers alike.

Aside from the serious human cost of tragedy – there are a number of financial implications should the worst occur, and a team member is seriously injured or killed at work. Any organisation (or individual) found to have a case to answer with regards to working practices that contribute to such an outcome, incurs a significant financial risk.

Lone Worker Alarm System
safety protocols

Many companies are choosing GPS Geo Guard to help comply with the Federal Workplace Health and Safety Bill and mitigate the risk of Industrial or Corporate Manslaughter litigation.

The Act allows for corporations to be held liable for criminal acts or omissions undertaken by their employees, agents, or officers.

Manslaughter is ultimately the crime of killing a person in circumstances that do not amount to murder. Put simply, it is the unlawful killing of a person without malice aforethought, or the desire to harm them.

It follows, then, that corporate manslaughter is a crime that enables a corporation to be held liable for the death of a person or people in the same way that an individual may be held liable.

Federal Legislation – Corporate Criminal Responsibility
Division 12 of the federal Criminal Code Act 1995 details the law surrounding corporate criminal responsibility. Usually when we talk about somebody committing a crime, we are referring to a person. How is it then, that a corporation can be liable for a crime if they are not a person? To clear up this ambiguity, section 12.1 of the Criminal Code Act states that ‘This Code applies to bodies corporate in the same way as it applies to individuals and that a body corporate may be found guilty of any offence, including one punishable by imprisonment’.

The supply of more Personal Emergency Devices (PED) will help reduce the occurrence and severity of incidents creating cost saving benefits for employers and community/society. It can reduce pain, suffering, injury and premature mortality, have beneficial flow through effects on Health-related sectors including Medical Costs, Hospitalisation and Mental Health; not to mention workers compensation claims.

How many people experience work-related injury or disease?

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Work Related Injuries Survey, in 2017–18 more than 560,000 people were estimated to have had a work-related injury or disease regardless of whether any compensation claim was made. (Source)


Track | Manage | Mitigate | Secure | Communicate | Respond | Rescue