OmniCare Alert

OmniCare Alert

Medical Fall Alarm
Medical Alert Devices

Time is the No. 1 killer in any medical emergency 

When seconds count – you can only count on OmniCare Alert to be there for your love ones

OmniCare Alert – the most trusted #1 life saving device in Australia
24-Hour Emergency Monitoring

24-Hour Emergency Monitoring

Shower & Waterproof

Shower & Waterproof

Australia’s #1 Most Trusted Duress Alarm

Australia’s #1 Most Trusted Duress Alarm

Fall Detection Devices Australia

Larger Button Easy Operation

Fall Alarm – Zero False Alarms

Fall Alarm –

Zero False Alarms

2-Way Clear Audio

2-Way Clear Audio

Give back control, dignity and peace of mind to your loved ones to retire and age gracefully in their own home with the best Personal Emergency Alarm for Medical Emergency and falls.

Too many times we hear of someone that was left to suffer alone and could not get help at the time of their Medical Emergency, lying on the floor, helpless in pain, with no one around to help them

What if they could have just got to talk to someone in a matter of seconds?

Now you can! With OmniCare Alert, the best Personal Emergency Alarm for Elderly and Medical Alert devices. Get help with the fastest links to first responders on an automatic fall alarm, or talk to our OmniCare Operators in seconds with just one press of the Panic SOS button.

Every second can be the difference between life or death

In Australia alone, over 300,000 Seniors are hospitalised each year due to falls. Around 50% of those hospitalised do not regain their previous level of functionality and will need constant care.

1 in 3 Seniors who live at home will suffer a fall each year.


Falls are not only painful and debilitating, but they can also be fatal. In fact, falls are the leading cause of death from injury for seniors over the age of 65.

Each year, around 8,000 Australians over the age of 65 lose their lives due to a fall.

OmniCare Alert is your Total Personal Safety Solution
anytime, anywhere

How does your OmniCare Alert work?

Why is it the best option you have?

OmniCare Alert works on 3 amazing technologies that make it the best personal emergency alarm for you and your Loved Ones with the clearest 2-way audio and professional, friendly Emergency Care Staff.

Best Man Down Alarms
Automatic Fall Alarm

Automatic Fall Detection – Instantly talk to the OmniCare Emergency Care Operators until help arrives with individually programmed fall detection using several smart technologies, creating zero false alarms and total wearer confidence.

Larger Button Easy Operation
SOS Alarm Button

Simple Extra Large SOS Alarm Button & Fail-Safe Activation – The most user friendly 1-press/hold-3-second operation creating zero false alarms and ease of use in a real time Medical Emergency.

GPS positioning and internal location
Geo Fencing

Your Omni Care can be programmed with Geo Fencing Alerts (on request) – A great feature for people suffering from undiagnosed onset Dementia or Wondering. Set Virtual/Geo Fence Boundaries/an area around the home for your loved ones

Shower & Waterproof
Shower and Water Proof

100% Waterproof – IP68, not just water resistant; can be worn in the shower where most fatal falls occur

GEO Fencing
Longest Battery

Longest Battery Strength – Up to 5 days with Low Battery Alerts

Best Safety Duress App
Works Everywhere

Works Indoors or Outdoor –  Anywhere, anytime with 4GX (faster, better coverage & more accurate than 4G)

Emergency Duress Alarm Monitoring
24-Hour Support

24-Hour Support for device operation and monitoring advice

Free Shipping
Free Shipping

Free Shipping to anywhere in Australia



Track | Manage | Mitigate | Secure | Communicate | Respond | Rescue
