Safety Alarms for Lone Workers

Companies must prioritise compliance and employee safety for lone workers, upholding their responsibility in potentially hazardous job environments.


Lone Worker Safety Devices Australia

GPS Geo Guard is a small safety device that provides security for lone workers on the job. The alarm device offers fall detection, emergency communications, transmits an SOS alarm with live video and recorded audio plus many more amazing features. 


The lone worker alarm device is the most reliable, most discrete and easy to use solution available today, contributing to the highest level of protection and duty of care that your company, clients and employees require to comply with Government legislation in many countries.


As a company, your staff’s safety is your responsibility. Compliance is crucial; any harm to lone workers makes you liable. Equip your staff with GPS Geo Guard’s lone worker duress alarms for instant help & data-backed responses during workplace injuries or accidents.



The Importance Of Protecting Lone Workers With Duress Alarms

Working alone carries physical risk to staff and financial risk to a business. There are serious penalties for not protecting lone workers. GPS Geo Guard lone worker duress alarms contributes towards an employers’ moral, ethical and legal duty of care, and more importantly, offers the ultimate peace of mind to the individual lone or high-risk worker and business continuity.

Stay compliant and protect your team. With the enforcement of OHS laws and industrial manslaughter regulations, accidents and incidents are under increased scrutiny. This impacts not only directors but also holds legal consequences for managers and safety personnel. Explore our lone worker duress alarms to ensure safety today.

There are substantial financial ramifications in the event of a severe workplace injury or fatality. Any entity, be it an organisation or an individual, found responsible for inadequate work practices leading to such incidents faces substantial financial jeopardy.

Lone Worker Alarm System


Who Is Considered A Lone Worker?

Lone workers are those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision. Anybody who works alone, including contractors, self-employed people and employee, is classed as a lone worker. If you are working out of sight of another work colleague, you are a lone worker! Many of the problems of lone working could also apply to pairs of workers who work in isolated areas or potential high risk working environments. lone workers include:


People in fixed establishments where only one person works on the premises, e.g. in small workshops, kiosks, petrol stations, shops and home-workers


People work separately from others, e.g. in factories, warehouses, some research and training establishments, leisure centres or fairgrounds


People who work outside normal hours, e.g. cleaners, security, special production, maintenance or repair staff, etc.


People who work away from their fixed base, e.g. on construction, plant installation, maintenance and cleaning work, electrical repairs, lift repairs, painting and decorating, vehicle recovery, etc.


Agricultural and forestry workers


Service workers, e.g. rent collectors, postal staff, social workers, home helpers, district nurses, pest control workers, drivers, engineers, architects, estate agents, sales representatives and similar professionals visiting domestic and commercial premises.


Navigating Hazards: Ensuring Lone Worker Safety in Risky Situations

Hazards that lone workers may encounter include:


  • Accidents or emergencies arising out of the work, including inadequate provision of first aid
  • Sudden illnesses
  • Inadequate provision of rest, hygiene and welfare facilities
  • Physical violence from members of the public and/or intruders

Three broad groups of workers whose activities involve a large percentage of their working time operating in situations without the benefit of interaction with other workers or without supervision are those:


  1. Working alone on site
  2. Working away from base
  3. Homeworkers (including “outworkers”)

Lone Worker Hazards



Taxi Drivers Abusive customers, road rage, violence, robbery, road accidents
Social workers, institution staff, community workers Abusive/violent patients/clients/relatives, manual handling (lifting) injuries
Electrical/Maintenance workers Electric shocks, trips, cuts, falls, accidents, confined spaces
Emergency services, security workers Abuse, violence, robbery, traffic hazards, accidents, biological hazards, falls, burns, toxic exposures
Farm/forestry/horticultural workers Animal attacks, weather, machinery accidents, chemicals, falling trees
Home help, care assistants, cleaners Falls, injury, lifting, injuries from garbage handling, infections, needle sticks, chemicals, violence, robbery
Lab workers Chemical over-exposure, biological agents, physical hazards, fires
Meter readers, delivery, postal workers Animal attacks, abusive customers, violence, robbery, accidents
Nursing staff Manual handling injuries, abusive/violent patients, drug handling, robbery, violence
Parking attendants Robbery, violence, abuse, vehicle fumes
Shop/service sector workers Robbery, violence, abuse, manual handling injuries
Public workers Confined spaces, toxic gases, biohazards, slips and falls
Transport workers Abuse, road rage, violence, robbery, road accidents, falling asleep at the wheel, breakdowns/running out of fuel/getting bogged in isolated areas (tragically, several drivers have died as a result)