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GPS Geo Guard is the Global Leader in Mobile Front Line Workforce Management for lone, isolated or high risk worker field staff’s safety solutions. We recognise our responsibilities to work towards eliminating accidents and incidents, personal attack, physical and verbal abuse with total employee management.
Utilising the GPS Geo Guard to mitigate your clients risk and incidents can not only save organisation thousands of dollars in litigation, but increase a company’s profits through Mobile Front Line Workforce Management (MFWM), providing 100% business and staff management continuity, total staff safety and accountability and increasing business profits through Electronic Employee efficiency.
The GPS Geo Guard Front Line Workforce Management (MFWM) personal safety solution, encompassing a fully managed service for your lone, isolated and high risk workers and individual personnel. Lone working affects staff at every level of an organisation and as such solutions through GPS Geo Guard provide a bespoke and simple way to educate, safeguard and involve; lone, isolated and high risk workers and individuals and other internal or external stakeholders such as the police.